Tuesday 15 May 2012

Attracting Wealth - How to Attract Wealth Easily Into Your Life

Attracting wealth is a mindset and the more you change your mental perspective, the more you will attract wealth into your life. Everyone has the right to live in wealth and prosperity.
So many millions and even billions of people struggle financially in our world and it does not have to be this way. It is important for people to learn how to attract more wealth into their lives. When doing so, people can live in prosperity and are also able to give generously to others.
Much of the time people wrestle with financial lack because of negative thinking and poor choices. So many live busted and disgusted due to a lack of realizing that we are creators of our own life experiences. The thought of attracting wealth into one's life by using the Law of Attraction is foreign to most people, but it is essential for change.
If you are interested in attracting wealth and prosperity into you life, then the first step in utilizing the Law of Attraction is to evaluate your thought life.
The Law of Attraction asserts that like attracts like. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. Evaluate what kinds of thoughts you think regarding wealth. Do you think about being prosperous and abundant or do you dwell on how broke you are?
Every one of our thoughts has a vibrational frequency that attracts other thoughts. Thoughts attract situations and circumstances into our lives. The Law of Attraction teaches that if we will focus on positive thoughts regarding wealth, we will attract wealth into our lives.
A wonderful book to read to learn more about this law is, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. This book will open your eyes to the importance of re-training your brain from a negative mindset to a positive one.
If you think wealth, visualize wealth, act as if you have wealth, feel the positive emotion from having wealth, then the Law of Attraction asserts that YOU ARE ATTRACTING WEALTH into your life and it will manifest!
This requires you to change your mindset. There is a saying that says, "Energy flows where attention goes". This means that where your focus or attention goes, potential energy flows abundantly. By changing our perspective, we can attract wealth and live in prosperity.
A great place to begin the process is to read positive affirmations out loud daily to not only re-train your brain, but to get the positive momentum and energy flowing.
Here are some examples of affirmations that will certainly help create wealth into your life:
Wealth flows to and through me.
I am a money magnet.
I create wealth by being of service to others.
I am wealthy and prosperous.
Money comes to me in many different ways.
I have more than enough money.
Wealth is flowing to me abundantly
My income is constantly increasing.